Something brand new for West Plains !!

A New Type of Business Directory for Businesses and Individuals!

- Grouped by category
- Search by name, letter or tag
- Listings submitted for Google searches
- Extensive Meta and unlimited tags for SEO
After businesses have confirmed their listings, SEO tags will be generated and submitted to Google for better search results so customers can find you.

- Grouped by category
- Search by name, letter or tag
- Listings submitted for Google searches
- Extensive Meta and unlimited tags for SEO
After individuals have confirmed their listings, SEO tags will be generated and submitted to Google for better search results so customers can find you.
Menus & Price Lists
For business or individuals that would like to display their price lists, we can accomodate that. Food establishments may display their menus or link to existing menu pages the business has. (See Restaurant Listings)
Up to 5 Photos or Images

Images need to be in a square format. If your photos are not, we will crop and resize them. Be sure to include your business image/logo first and then add up to 4 additional photos. They should be crisp, clean and in-focus.
Gift Cards and Coupons
You may create your own coupons or gift certificates and email them to manager@westplains.biz OR we have a coupon service and can generate a coupon or gift certificate for you. Businesses and Individuals are limited to one per month.