Business Efficiency and Analysis

Some of Ozark Tech's Specialties:
We LOVE numbers and SIMPLE LOGICAL solutions!
Items we excel in:
Items we excel in:
- Spreadsheets: Regardless of the software, Excel, etc. we can modify or create ones that supply you the needed information and reports.
- Databases: Same thing - regardless of your software, we can create the reports you need.
- Forms: Digital or paper. The correct form that's easy to use and provides management with the data they need.
- Installations: Hardware and software installation.
- Instruction: Whether it's new software or new procedure training you can't beat Ozark Tech. We're great communicators and trainers.
It Shouldn't Be this Frustrating ...
Happy and productive employees are very important to your business. Don't let frustration and chaos be the norm.
Here are some areas we can help you:
Here are some areas we can help you:
- We take an unbiased look at your business.
- First, we meet with the owner(s) and get an understanding of what their current and future needs are.
- Second, we will observe how it's currently being accomplished.
- We look at tasks, forms, software used, etc.
- Lastly, we give the owner a report of our findings. (This always considers the size of the company and their budget restrictions)
- We do not come in to "sell" anything as we do not represent any company. We bring solutions, period.

- How am I EVER going to organize all this?
- It shouldn't take this long to get things done!
- I want simple procedures AND get the best results!
Don't worry, we have everything covered!
NOTE: All jobs are charged on a per hour or per job basis.