Data Recovery Services

From Hard Drives, Camera Media, USB Drives, SSD Cards, Tablets and Phones
Missing Files

A common sign that an SD card is becoming corrupted is when files are suddenly disappeared from the device. When you go to review the pictures you took yesterday and some of them are not there, you may be experiencing card corruption.
Strange Error Messages

Unexplained error messages such as “Access denied” or “Card not formatted” when trying to view the card are signals that it is corrupted.
Card not Recognized

If your card is not recognized by your operating system, it can be due to the corruption of the storage media.
Device Malfunction

A corrupted SD card can cause the device to which it is attached to malfunction. This can manifest itself in a black screen on your digital camera or an “SD Card error” message on your GoPro when you try to access the storage device.
Missing Files

Another sign that your card is corrupted is the appearance of unknown files. This can be due to a virus attack that logically damages your card.
Strange Error Messages

A card that displays as empty (blank) on your device when you know there is data on it can be a sign that it is corrupted.
Card not Recognized

A corrupted SD card can cause the device to which it is attached to malfunction. This can manifest itself in a black screen on your digital camera or an “SD Card error” message on your GoPro when you try to access the storage device.